Week 5: Survey Research
1. Describe the major purpose of correlational research, and briefly explain how correlational research is different from experimental research.
2. Distinguish between nonprobability sampling and probability sampling. Name a type of nonprobability sample and two types of probability samples.
A. redundant.
B. contingent.
C. correlated.
D. spurious.
5. A professor is trying to determine if students’ final exam scores in a course can be predicted based on their scores on the first test. The quantitative index that the professor is likely using in this situation is the:
A. prediction product.
B. correlation coefficient.
C. contingency score.
D. covariation cross product.
6. What does the absolute value of a correlation coefficient indicate about a predictive relationship?
A. strength
B. direction
C. interpretability
D. causal direction
7. A correlation shows that low anxiety scores correspond to high test performance scores and high anxiety scores correspond to low test performance scores. The predictive relationship between anxiety and test performance in this relationship is:
A. negative
B. zero
C. positive
D. causal
8. Which of the following pieces of information is the least useful when evaluating whether the results of a survey are biased?
A. whether the survey data have been selectively analyzed or reported
B. whether the survey involves a biased sample
C. whether the wording of the questions on the questionnaire were slanted
D. whether an organization sponsored the survey
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